Saturday, January 12, 2008

Jillian's BEST NEWS!!!!

December 12, 2007
I contacted the insurance company because I still had not heard back from them, patiently, eagerly a waiting asking if Jillian had been approved. I received from a voice with happiness "your daughter has been accepted and approved for one cochlear implant!" My heart started beating harder and barley able to say thank you, as tears ran down my face. I then asked for names; asking for specifics....."I had been told before, I need documentation" (when, who and I need this in writing) This date I WILL NEVER FORGET, I have been waiting over 14 months for this news, I received the letter shortly after the phone call. The following day I called her surgeon with so much enthusiasm, The nurse answered and almost screaming the words "I'm calling to schedule my daughter's Cochlear implant surgery the nurse started laughing! I thought I was never going to be able to say these words. She said I can take care of this for you, and her surgery will take place on February 5th 2008. I completed the day with e-mail to all my loved ones with this information.

December, 16th
I was so excited to go Christmas shopping, for the first year of Jillian's life I concentrated on gifts that had vibrations/feelings, touch and smell. For the first time I was able to shop accordingly to her future new senses! I bought (I think every toy) that made noise! I questioned myself thinking do I really want all this much noise in my house? But when you celebrate a new life into this world you pray that she or he will have ten toes, ten fingers and all of their senses and sometimes God Blesses you with challenges!

December 24th
Christmas eve, we visited my Mom for a wonderful dinner and later attended Christmas Mass, it was the most beautiful service that I could have ever asked for. My Dad and Mom (their grandparents) met us there. If there were no gifts under the tree from Santa, we had already been blessed with the best gift ever! Every Sunday @ 9am is family service at St. Ignacius, the children are asked to come to the alter while the priest gives a sermon to the children. The Priest's homely started off with "I'm not sure if anyone has heard of the city Toledo?" Well my oldest daughter yelled "my cousins are from there!" The priest laughed and proceeded with his words...... he told a great story about a poor parish in Toledo, Ohio and then after the children were asked to walk up and come forward for a blessing. Isabelle, Jillian and I walked up to the priest and he proceeded to give Izzy her blessing and the priest turned to Jilly as though he knew she needed a little more attention then the others, he looked at her blessed her on her forehead and said "God is With You" . Of course a great tear came from my eye, saying in my mind "Thank You God!"

Needless to say I knew my prayers would be answered! I can't wait for the future!

1 comment:

Abbie said...

WOO HOO!! Feb 5th will be here before you know it :)